Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Blog the First

Greetings, all.

So I've decided to get with the times and start a blog. I know not all of us have time to sit and read blogs all day, so I'm writing mine as more of an exercise for myself, a holding tank for all little nuggets of inspiration that cross my mind in hopes that they will not be lost, but shared. Or at least written down somewhere I can find them again if I need them.

Not that it's all wisdom, necessarily. What fun would that be?

I will try to post fairly regularly. Read at your leisure.

And if you actually discover yourself with some leisure, I'll be extremely honored if you do read it, leisure being what it is and hard to come by. Most likely you will read it as a well-deserved moment of frivolity between clients or phone calls or Facebook posts during your busy work-week.

In either case, I will try to be somewhat inspired, somewhat frivolous. Everybody wins!

Welcome to my world, friends. Thanks for stopping by.


1 comment:

  1. thank you for starting this ... i am interested in your thoughts and like the direction you have chosen for this blog. i will tune in from time to time!
